
Tuesday, January 22, 2013


I am so overwhelmed lately its crazy! I think most people get overwhelmed this time of year. However, for me right now, it has nothing to do with the holidays...

First off my 12 year old has been struggling with bullies in school. His science teacher! Yea... Not a kid. I have had two meetings this week trying to get to the bottom of it but of course the teacher didn't mean it and its my sons fault for being to sensitive. Oh ok, NOT! Since when is it ok to tell a kid his outfit looks like a clown. The teacher asked him if he got spirit day confused with his clown pants. Yea... I couldn't believe it either. My son wore a pair of bib overalls that I had painted last year for his brother to wear to state football finals. The legs are striped orange and black representing the school colors. Very common attire at the collage and pro level.

Secondly, I have had to go to the high school for the oldest son because his English teacher has not allowed him to correct some of his assignments which is not part of the ADD 504 label that Texas allows.  I don't understand how he got A's & B's in English last year but is struggling with this year. Then I meet with the teacher.... That explained it.

Lastly, I am stressed about my finals next week. I have two of the three take home finals finished. Yet the stress to make sure that they are perfect has me overwhelmed. The take home portions are 60% of the final. Therefore, if I totally bomb the in class portion I will still come out of class with a B, the books are so frustrating because they don't explain most answers verbatim. When your dealing with laws and contracts, being exact is a must. I'm trying to not sound ungrateful about take home tests but in some ways I think it's less stressful to just go in to class, take the test and be done. That's not how it is so I will do what I need to and concentrate on being finished one week from today! Wow... Time sure has went by fast!


Left Stupefied...

Does anyone else find the irony in what people say they are thankful for, compared to what their actions scream...

I thought I'd share a few things that have caught me of guard.

Take family for instance, a "friend" of mine put on facebook how thankful she was of her friends and family. She wouldn't know what she would do without them. However, within the next 30 minutes she had texted me about two of her siblings and what they were not bringing to Thanksgiving dinner. She also explained that she was hoping that the family would only stay to eat and leave as she had other things to do....

I am thankful for my children, one co-worker said to me. Yet she berated them and tore down their self esteem. I'm not sure if they actually know how to be giving. I am frustrated in how they have not achieved.  To me respect and understanding goes a long ways. It saddened me that my own son of the same age noticed these actions of the parent and child and questioned the relationship.

I am thankful for my marriage.... this one seems to be interesting for me lately.
I had someone admit to me that she just needs to make it two more years for her son to be out on his own and then her marriage would be better. The husband is not a fan of kids and she knew this going into the marriage  years ago. So being the puzzled nosy type of person, I asked why she married the man if she knew that it would be that hard.
Her comment has taken the cake at leaving me the most speechless of all..
"because I knew how my bread was getting buttered and I wasn't letting go of that butter churn...."

So as you can see, these three incidents happened this last couple of weeks leaving me to be somewhat
dumbfounded! Speechless.... or for a better word.... Stupefied!

What has left you stupefied lately?