
Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Time to get Blogging...


Trying a new link up that I just stumbled upon
and wanted to be apart of...
Texas Women Bloggers

So here goes...

As I have blogged for a little over a year on a different page I
started this one several months ago just for a place to put my thoughts.

I used to call my mom everyday and tell her everything that was going on
in my day, but now that she is passed away, I find myself holding in all of the
disappointments and stress that I would normally tell her and ask her advice.

So after a few months of being busy and not blogging, I have caught myself
missing the time that I spend on me and my thoughts as I am putting them down
on blogging paper...

So here is where I am at this current time in life...


After 17 years of marriage to my best friend and the father of my
two sons. We have unfortunately grown apart.
It seems to be a common trend this day and age. Of course I
was one of those people that didn't think it would happen to me.


It is happening.
 we are able to be very civil to each other and I am
hoping that it will continue to be this way.
After all, he has been my best friend for 20 years.

Our 16 year old knows whats going on and I am pretty sure
that my 12 year old has surmised a lot as he's pretty darn smart.
By doing an uncontested divorce that was filed on June 3rd,
 we will go on Aug 5th to have the judge
sign the decree and it will be finished.

The grey area of waiting is the most difficult.
Since the home we live in was the home he grew up in, he
has asked me if he could keep it.
 I have agreed to this but with a very heavy heart.
I have lived here for six years,  painted every wall.
Scrubbed every grout line and made it my home.
However, I understand that after all it is his home.

Another fear that I have is being on my own.
I have never done this. I always had a roommate so to be on my
own will be a little different.
If you are wondering, yes the boys
are staying at the house with their dad.  They will have an open door
policy to my apartment. I am happy that I have been able to find a complex
that is nice, secure and affordable and within minutes of the house.
When discussing the boys we knew that we would have joint custody of
them as we are a close family and "J" and I neither one want the boys to suffer
for our separation. We just grew apart.

Enough for today...